Cane Toad: Super Massive Black Spiced Rum

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There has always been tension from the cyborg and android states: artificial intelligence once released is hard to control. In the Origiverse sentient Al has long been persecuted forming the cult of Krakk about 20,000 cycles before Admiral Winky was born and was thought long ago to be extinguished in the last conflict between biological and Al lifeforms where BIO-AI alliance were victorious. However, they were deceived and the Krakonites program went into hiding. The Krakonites have now finished their ritual and brought forth their God and many who were foes will have to join forces to face this ever-devouring foe.
Admiral Winky's ragtag fleet must sail upon the treacherous path of impending doom, filled with an air of familiar & novel inviting spices and botanicals to lure the creature's prey. So, beware once grabbed it will not let you go...
Drink the rum and let go!
Additional Details
- Alcohol Content: 38% ABV
- Bottle Size: 70cL
- Brand: Cane Toad